Life, Here we are.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

routine, killing me

I dont remember where that image is from, I just know I liked it. I get a quick break from the tedious job i'm doing today. Basically I've been searching a database for names that usually aren't there. Names that usually differ from the name before it by a single letter; For example, William johnson, Willie Johnson, Will Johnson, Wayne Johnson Wayman Johnson and so on.... When I dont find them I put a zero down on a spreadsheet. Yup... that's it, for 8 hours.

I could be in California by now or well on my way to somewhere else more exciting. I think about that a lot when I sit at work doing nothing. I think about how far I could have driven in the time i've been chained to this desk. Hours wasted, miles lost. Everybody's working for the weekend right? Except my husband who doesn't even get those anymore. Fourth of July is this weekend. I'm usually in Utah viewing the great "stadium of fire" from afar. It will be missed along with the snacks, people, and weather that coincide with it. Hopefully i'll get to see and/or set off some fireworks of my own this year. I've had a bundle waiting in my trunk since new years. Every time I load or unload groceries there is a little spark of excitement in my heart (pun intended) thinking about setting them off. And the pyro in me smiles. Does anyone have anything exciting going on for the holiday? I'm excited about it, I like getting into holidays no matter how corny, made up, or ridiculous some of them may be.

The only reason I got to take this quick sanity break was beacuse there was something wrong with the database I was working out of. I'm catching word that it is fixed now and the torture must go on. Two more hours until sweet freedom will once again be mine.

I fell asleep at 8:30 p.m. Woke up at 1:00 a.m. shared a musical, lucid moment with my husband to the tune of ray lamontagne, Woke up at 6:00 a.m. for work and realized I had slept the entire evening away. Kind of depressing, kind of refreshing. 2 day headache is gone, body and mind are rested.

Today. Sleep normal hours.

Tomorrow. Hump day.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Well, we're all in the mood for a melody

So Saturday's exploration had to be postponed. It started out a little something like this....

lots of laundry and cleaning. When I was younger if you would have told me someday I would WANT to clean and it would actually be my choice and that i'd enjoy it, I would not have believed you; However, that is the truth today. When it's my house and my stuff there is nothing better than making it look the best that it can. A clean house is just the best feeling. BUT I will always hate laundry and with Taylor's work uniforms, and a dryer that isn't functioning properly, it never seems to end. Blah. So after I got the house looking good I was going to still head out for some photos, but then I had to help my mom out with a dead car battery. I gave her a jump and then followed her down to checker auto to get that taken care of. Never fun. By that time Taylor had actually beaten me home so I decided the photography would have to happen another weekend. I did however have a mini photo shoot with the lemonade I made on Sunday. Can you tell i'm desperate to start taking pictures again? I wish my work computer had photoshop on it, these are edited with microsoft paint :) and when I say edited I mean resized, and that's about it.

It was so good! Taylor was out working hard on the lawn sweating like crazy and I had to run to walmart, so I decided to pick up the stuff to make it while I was there. Best idea ever. Then while I was making it at home I got the idea to do the sugar around the rim of the glasses... scratch what I said before, this was the best idea ever. I dipped the glasses in lime juice first to make it stick and it was so yummy, try it! it added a sweet touch to the tangy lemonade. We drank way too much of this.

Yesterday. Taylor tuned the piano that his mom gave us. This was actually the piano that he learned to play the piano on. Where it all began. There is something so sweet about watching him sit there and play it, I think about little Taylor playing it and how I wish I knew him back then. He borrowed a tuning kit from his old roommate Trevor and jumped right in, he amazes me sometimes.

(Note the refreshing glass of lemonade atop the piano)

At last count I think he had done 16 keys and had 80 something left?? yikes. He wont stop until it's perfect.

So that brings us to Today. Back at work. Still not a lot of work to do. This is when people get bored and start to make up things to do. We are having a Wii mario kart tournament and "healthy snack day". I brought in some of my zucchini muffins which aren't really healthy at all. But if it has zucchini and nuts in it I say count it. They are already gone, I guess people liked them. Must find something interesting to do today.... I'm going to dinner with my friend Vicki tonight so at least I have something to look forward to. Until then... I am taking suggestions.

Tomorrow. Well not really tomorrow but some day in the near future I want to take the kayaks out. Taylor went and got them from his old house. That is something i'm really excited about doing. We went once when we were dating and had a blast. I remember how nervous I was to get in my swimsuit in front of him, and how I wanted to make sure and act tough like I wasn't completely scared about being horrible at it. So funny how things change. Where are good places to go kayaking in Ariona?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Be my winding wheel.

Bread and Nutella. That's all it takes to start this girls morning right. Mmm Mmm Mmm. Stopped at the always fun walmart last night on the way home from work, kitchen adventures ensued. I made zucchini muffins, guacamummus (a hybrid of hummus and guacamole), and then for dinner I made some simple burritos. We had a huge stack of massive zucchinis from my mother in laws garden. I'm talking county fair, blue ribbon winnin' zucchinis... Huge! She's got a great garden that I am so envious of. I'd love to have a garden some day with lots of fruits and veggies, especially an herb garden. Goal. To go grocery shopping in my own back yard. How lovely that would be. I went off on a tangent. The zucchini muffins were a hit with Taylor and I really enjoyed them too. To do. take a plate of the muffins over to Taylor's mom as a thank you, and to let her know the zucchini's went to a good cause.

The guacamummus was a recipe I found online and was so excited about. I love guacamole, and I love hummus even more; However, I was not a fan of this fusion. I think the recipe called for too much cumin, or my taste buds are just too sensitive to the spice but it was a little overpowering for me. Still pretty tasty, I just don't think I'll make it again. It went well with some tortilla chips and our yummy burritos! The burritos were just simple beef and bean done up enchilada style topped with lots of sour cream and black olives, my favorite. I love cooking and I want to get better at it. I'm thinking i'm better at baking right now, but I can't steal that from my sister. Lisa is a great baker (take a look at our wedding cakes) It's just a fun thing to do when I come home, it really helped me wind down. One thing I need to work on is mess control.

I listened to Ryan Adams Heartbreaker while cooking last night. I love how music makes every activity so much more enjoyable. This album put a little boogie in my step. Love it. Some people probably think this album is "sad" sounding, but most of the songs just make me dance and sing. It's really good.

I got in a fight with a big truck on the freeway. He threw rocks at my windshield... and won. It wasn't even my car. Long story.

Saturday, exploration day. Self exploration and outdoor exploration. Taking the camera to capture the result, will probably melt.

Felt good to do some home cookin'. Do this more often. Look up fun recipes online and expirment.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul

Taylor got the final piece to his recording studio in the mail yesterday, a power cord. I am so excited to hear all of the new music he will make because I know it will blow me away. While he was in his room setting up his recording equipment (we have 2 extra bedrooms in our house, one for Taylor's recording and one for me to do what I want with) I sat in the other spare room that is now filled with boxes full of random pieces of wood, paper scraps, glues, scissors, and stamps...the beginnings of future projects hopefully. As I sat there I tried to imagine what it would become. I want it to be my sanctuary. A place I go to learn about myself and my talents, something i've never really explored before. I got used to telling myself I don't have anything that i'm REALLY good at. I truly believe that's because i've never really tried. I worried too much as a child and didn't have time to focus on the things that mattered. Now that I don't have to worry, I give up too easily. I have good ideas and in the past few months especially I have proven to myself (in little ways) that I can create things and I am good at it. There is nothing better than the pride I feel after creating a piece of art, a decoration, or even a blog post. Writing here makes me feel proud. I have a good eye for composition and design and i'm going to start using it.

A goal- this weekend I want to take my camera out and take some photos of something, of anything, of everything. I'm excited about it. Taylor has been working saturdays so that will work out perfectly. Explore what this state has to offer through the lens of my camera. I would like to get my computer in better shape so that I can install photo shop and practice my photo editing as well. The ultimate goal is to learn how to use my camera so well that not much editing will be needed, that is defniately not where i'm at as of now. I think it will be really cool to get a good shot this weekend that I can print up and hang in my "sanctuary" it will be the first piece on the wall and motivate me to create more.

June 24th, 2010 Office Update
The janitorial crew has finally gotten smart and added automatic air freshner dispensers to the restrooms. This was a VERY good move.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The perks of being a wallflower

So my first post is coming to you from my desk here at work. Surrounded by the deafening silence....papers being shuffled, the air conditioner fighting the heat that this many bodies gives off, mouse clicks, white noise. Every now and then the silence is broken by my thoughts screaming to get out. That's the reason I made this blog. An office job is boring, plain and simple. A lot of people aren't cut out for it. I'm starting to believe I may be one of them. There is one "perk" of having this office job in particular, and that is the mostly unrestricted interenet access. It helps lessen the dullness of the day and sometimes shoots a bit of inspiration into the brain. I'm hoping this blog will help me keep track of those inspiring thoughts, let out the bottled up ones, and provide an outlet for me to form new ones.

Today. June 23rd, 2010. The processing of locations (the main part of my job) is basically completed for the month. This means about 1-2 weeks of a lot of free time. That is, if they don't send us home. They are fickle, and not very smart. Taylor gave me a book to read called Self Matters. A bold and simple statement that I am learning the importance of every single day. It's a Dr.Phil book, which made me laugh. How amazing it is to have a man that encourages me to focus on myself and uncover the beauty and potential that lies beaneath the layers of armor and masks I have put on over the years. He really tries. That is the best part of our relationship. Of course there are the usual loves and hugs and kisses but I think the way that we force eachother to grow each and every day is exactly what I need. We can never seem to do things the easy way the first time around either, but I guess that's why we learn so much.

He's the cutest.

I don't want to try to tackle too much in my first post, though I do have a lot just itching to get out of this head of mine. Projects I want to do, books I want to read, questions I want answered, goals I want to reach. One step at time.... a hard conept for me to grasp.

Tomorrow. June 24th, 2010. A thursday. A new day with new ideas. The day before Friday. Start setting weekend goals.