Life, Here we are.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Everything is right, Everything is wrong

I just opened the window to cool the room down. I'm up in one of our spare bedrooms that has hardly been used since we moved in last April because it has been too hot. It's sad because this is where our computer is, and all of my future/half finished/ideas for art projects sit. In boxes, untouched for months. When we buy a house I now have a list of requirements. I want a one story. It is nearly impossible to keep the top level of a house at a decent temperature during the Arizona scorchers. I want hardwood floors. Carpet gets dirty too fast when you're in a house full of boys(taylor, and the dogs) I can only imagine having kids and trying to keep carpet clean. I would settle for tile but prefer the look of wood much more.I want privacy in our backyard. Our neighbors yard for some reason is elevated and every time we are out there we see his head and whoever else might be joining him that day. Don't get me wrong, i've always dreamt of living next to a "Wilson" type (I pretty much grew up watching home improvement) but sometimes you just want to go in your backyard and not feel like someone else can see your every move. I want a more closed floor plan. This one may seem weird but in the house we have right now the kitchen dining room and living room are all connected and it almost makes it feel like an apartment. Maybe its because I grew up living in apartments that I would like to have everything be a little more divided. I don't want 4 walls around every room... but something in between what we have now and a prison cell would be nice.

I honestly didn't sit down with the intentions of picking apart the house we are renting now, I actually really like our house and feel so lucky that we live in such a roomy place for such a good price. I'm glad we have this time to decide what we like and don't like rather than buying a place and feeling this way about a house that we are stuck with. Sooo dream house here we come!... some day.

Back to the room that I am in... or more importantly, the things in this room. I have had such a flow of creative energy lately but no motivation to do anything with it. So often I feel held back by money, or skills. I need to tell myself I can do it.... when I lack in skills, I can teach myself. Our generation got the shaft in a lot of ways but we did get lucky when it comes to the internet and the amount of information that is available to us. It can be a great tool for so many things. When I lack in money, I can improvise. There is nothing more valuable than a creative mind, and I like to think that I have one.

Another thing that holds me back is energy. I signed up for a weekly fitness boot camp at work and I am hoping this will be the push that I need to get the ball rolling. I know fitness bootcamp doesn't sound like a very creative thing, but healthy habbits lead to so many great things. I know I will feel better, be more motivated, and have so much energy once I start eating right and exercising again. It's true what they say about getting married and living next to a McDonalds... its a deadly combo. So we'll see how trying to get back on track right before the holidays pays off for me.

Taylor gets home soon from his new job at FedEX. It's a lot of work but he is doing amazing. I married a hard worker and I am so proud of him. I do have a lot of time alone after work now before he gets home. I decided I need more friends. Friends with things like creative minds, dry senses of humor, appreciation for a good book, or band. People like me. I was never good at making friends... girl friends. I have a few amazing friends who will always be in my life, but Now that I'm starting to really figure out who Christa is I think its time to make some new ones. How do I go about this? it's not like in high school where you could turn to the person sitting next to you who was wearing a band t shirt that you liked or something (which I never did anyways because I was awkward and terribly shy... not much has changed) It's a learning and growing process I guess. Just like everything else. It's definitely something I look forward to.

Check out these photos I took at this random farbric by the pound shop my mom took me and my sister too. It was an interesting little place

And check out these neat glasses I got for 50 cents each at goodwill, I think they are so cute. I had to share.

This weekend we are going to the dunes. I found out a couples days ago that I will be the only girl on the trip, wish me luck. I'm actually really excited. Our last dunes trip was so much fun and its been about a year since we have been. Hopefully when we get back, in time for halloween, I will make some yummy carmel apples. I have been craving carmel apples with chocolate and sprinkles and other really bad for me stuff. What was I saying about eating healthy? disregard that until halloween is over.