Life, Here we are.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

And then it rained

Yesterday. For dinner we had filiberto's super nachos and a diet coke. What is it about fili b's diet coke? or any soda from there for that matter. Is it simply the styrofoam cup and how every sip is ice cold? the fact that I can barely hold it with one hand? or do they just pump it with extra syrup? Maybe it's all of the above, but there is no way I can turn down a soda from that place.
I was hesitant to spend 8 dollars for nachos since we are trying really hard to save every bit we can right now. But when they handed us the bag that weighed about a pound I remembered why it was a good choice. Usually i'll pick through the nachos and save the "best chips" (you know, the chips that are so smothered in cheese and sour cream that they are almost soggy) for last. But when you get super nachos, every chip is the best. No fighting for the good stuff here, the whole thing is delicious and terrible for you. These are definietely a favorite.

Rain, rain, rain. The storms that have brought the most rain recently have looked the least intimidating. We had nights where dark cloud masses taunted and teased us but they brought only light sprinkles and we felt so deceived. Unexpectedly, last nights yellowish white sky really did deliver. It rained, it poured, puddles accumulated for our car tires to splash in, and I loved every minute of it.

The songs taylor was singing went right along with the sound of the storm, as if the cement were an instrument and the rain played it well.

Believe it or not we had another birthday celebration. It was my sisters birthday July 24th. I am very sad to say goodbye to the month of July. Here is to having just as much fun in August!

We love Cooper. He reminds us to relax and just laugh at life.

Tomorrow. We leave on a camping/hiking trip to Fossil Springs. I am so excited to get out of the city and be in nature. The hustle and bustle has really been getting to me lately. It should hopefully be a good chance to take some photographs as well.

Tonight. Packing and shopping for the weekend trip. Get excited.

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